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Can You Really Earn Big With Adsense

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Google Adsense is one of the most popular income generating program offer in the internet industry. In the past, internet marketers would do their best to beat the search engine in order to be on the top on their selected keywords. This is to generate more traffic to their site and eventually have more income from adsense. Actually, there are many techniques used to earn more on adsense and I have known some of the basics of these techniques and one of them is to have as many sites as possible with a less competitive keywords. This is very basic that most of the internet marketers know this one. There are other advanced techniques that need not to be disclosed.

But even these techniques will be shown unto you, there is no way that you will earn more in adsense program these days compared to the earnings from the past. This can be a bad news for all the newbie in the internet industry (and that would include me). The reason why there will be lesser income in the adsense these days is that Google has changed their Google Adwords program and added some other features on it. In the past, as i have known, the bid for the search results(adsense appearing on Google search results) and for the content results (adsense that appears on the publisher's website) is the same. But in the present, the bid for the search and for the content is different. As an adwords advertiser, to make your ads on the top of the search results, you can bid as high as $10 per click depending on the competition. The main goal of the advertiser is to be seen on the search results and they can put lesser priority on the content results. So instead of bidding $10 on the content, they can bid as low as $.01 per click on the content results. Remember that adsense publishers gain from the bids of the advertisers on their content. If the bid is on $.01 per click and when a visitor clicks on the ad the publisher can earn almost $.004 and the rest goes to Google.

This is one thing that I have noticed when I have done an adwords comapign. The bids are now split. But this does not mean that you cannot earn from adsense. You can earn but not that much. Google are developing such changes to protect their advertisers for the possible click fraud. Google has only one goal and that is to provide better service for their advertisers and for the users. For the publishers, the only thing that you need to do to earn on adsense program is to choose carefully the keywords that you use. Choose those that are less competitive and those that have high paying bids. Determining the average bid and the competitiveness of the keyword is all about research.


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